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In some ways this album follows on where 'Initiation' leaves off.

The didgeridoo is not featured so predominantly but the spiritual link is clear. Tibetan thigh bones produce a haunting, unforgetable sound which complements the native american influenced playing.

The music was built up around drum rhythms and sounds played by 'bonfire' drummers, a local east Sussex tradition going back at least 400 years. The connection with the ancient ritual of 'Samhain' is kept alive with large groups of drummers (200+) parading through the streets to the huge bonfires.

Shaman - New World Music Release

Album Details

re-released 2006 by New World Music

original release 1995 by New World Music.

  1. The Healing Circle (18:12)
  2. Cloak Of Darkness (6:24)
  3. Animal Guides (25:49)


  • Phil Thornton - Recorders, keyboards, chicken flute, percussion loops, bean pod, rain stick and bamboo pipe.
  • Darren Green - Didgeridoo
  • Mike Rogers - Tibetan thigh bone
  • David Roberts - Percussion

Composed, arranged and produced by Phil Thornton.


~ Original sleeve notes by Carmen Willcox ~

Seemingly from nowhere, heralded only by the distant howling of wolves and a dramatic crack of thunder, the Shaman appears.

In a moment his dance of divine destiny is begun, slowly at first as a single drum helps him pick out the path of ancient footsteps, an instinctive movement drawn deep from the mystical well intuition.

Soon the rhythm swells as the drumbeat deepens in intensity and the medicine man is lost in trance in this, Phil Thornton's homage to the arcane powers of these mysterious priests.

The circle of sound is soon swirling with bells, chimes, pipes and the background resonance of the didgeridoo as the ritual climbs to a spiritual frenzy where animal sounds signify the Shaman's union with the natural world. Like members of the tribal audience, framed by the flickering flames of night, we too are drawn by the hypnotic power of our extra-sensory potential.



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